"Jack and Daniel" is a robber-cop story with absolutely nothing new to offer. The "grand" crime scenes which are supposed to excite, failed to make any impact. If you are a fan of Dileep's comedy ( like me ) and that is what took you to the theatre, then again you will be highly disappointed. The action though choreographed by some of the best didn't feel right. The cameo by Peter Hein was one of the lowest points of the film.
I was so bored during the film that I dozed off for a few minutes in between. This seldom happens with me and can be taken as a testimony of the film's quality. I watched the movie with my cousin, and he jested I failed to enjoy the film because I missed those scenes. So, if you are watching, make sure you don't miss any scene!
I was so bored during the film that I dozed off for a few minutes in between. This seldom happens with me and can be taken as a testimony of the film's quality. I watched the movie with my cousin, and he jested I failed to enjoy the film because I missed those scenes. So, if you are watching, make sure you don't miss any scene!
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