Naruto is an anime with many lessons - both direct and indirect. Among the direct lessons, namely advice, my favourite is Ino's advice to Sakura. Simple yet powerful. And of great significance in our society. People are often ashamed about some of their attributes - colour, build, hair, etc. And they try to hide them. In this process, they often get ridiculed even more. Why? Becuase, you are implicitly telling that you are ashamed of it. You are giving them the stick to beat you. Afraid that people will tease her, Sakura hides her big forehead. Ino advises sakura to stop this. She urges her to proudly display her forehead instead and gifts a ribbon to do so. And, Sakura (cherry blossoms) starts to bloom.
Kettiyollaanu Ente Maalakha is the story of Sleevachan (Asif Ali), a good-natured individual ignorant of the ways of romance and sex. Although he had avoided marriage until 35, he decides to marry to care for his ageing mother. The rest of the movie is about his struggles in the journey forward. I would like to get a bit into the story as some of it begs discussion. Thus, there will be some spoilers, but I believe they would not really spoil anything. Soon after fixing the marriage, he starts panicking. He even confesses to the local priest that he is feeling stressed because of his ignorance. However, the priest casually dismisses these worries. After marrying Rincy, he is unable to initiate a physical relationship, causing even more stress. Sleevachan's struggles were cracking up people all around me, and I felt, perhaps that was the director's intention. Those very same scenes were, however, making me extremely uncomfortable. Stealing Naruto's words, &quo
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